Sunday, May 29

Flowering Shows

It just goes to show, I am a weaver at heart. Anytime I see multiples of anything, I start seeing patterns and potential. That would explain why I still have brimming boxes labelled "Dried Magnolia Stamens; 2009" and "Banksia leaves; 2010" stashed away in my Mum's garage (please don't tell her)! This was a pile of leftover passes from the Melbourne International Flower Show. I couldn't help myself with the wacky, Pop art paper weaving. This one also goes up in honor of the fact that I've thoroughly enjoyed all the coverage from the Chelsea Flower show this year. Go BBC specials every night of the week, for the duration! I am so inspired, now I just need to find a garden and a wealth of funds so that all I have to do for the rest of my life is create the most magical garden the world has ever seen. Hmmm

I'm working up to it

I thought if I put some pictures up of me getting crafty last month, it might spur me on to get my paints out again over here. Hmmm, we'll see.

Wednesday, May 25

Putting on a show: behind the scenes

 Some pictures from behind the scenes of Faye's wedding. Look at "my" workshed, complete with two big benches, which the Christians organised for me for the week. And check out all my helpers, at the peak I think there was about 15 of us on the job! It was such great fun to have everybody getting involved; shared work = shared laughs in my book.

Blank canvas

 A big reason for my visit to the Island this time round, has been the wedding of a good childhood friend. When I was last here Faye begged me to come back and do the flowers for her wedding; so I did. How could I say no? She was marrying in this tiny 800 year old church (above). I have many fond memories of attending Harvest Festival services with my Nana at old St Runius; perched on the skinny pews, surrounded by candles and watching the organist get up a swing as he pumped the pedals. There's no electricity, you know.

Tuesday, May 17

Solomon's Seal

"Set me as a seal upon thy heart"
(The Song of Songs which is Solomon's, 8:6)

I have always loved the graceful arc of Solomon's Seal, with it's delicate little white pendulums tinkling from the stem; it's quite special. I recently learnt from my Nana that one should never let a Soloman's Seal plant die because it's dreadfully bad luck. After her mother's passing, many years ago, Nana transplanted a plant from her mother's garden to her own in order to keep it alive and cared for. How precious is that?

Monday, May 16

More from Red Hill

Event by Georgeous at the Port Phillip Estate. Flowers by  Cecilia Fox.

Pretty pastels in Red Hill

A couple of weeks back Isadora drove me and a van-load of flowers down the Peninsula to do this Georgeous wedding for Mel; what a pleasure! I've never spent time down that part of the state and was just mesmerised by the crisp beauty of the vistas, captured so wonderfully by this venue. It was a nice note to finish on before I came away, that's for sure.

That's life

Once upon a time the was a girl who had a strange creature as her friend. This creature was a bloggywog, a shy little being who liked, generally, to come out at night. She was one of those "introverted extroverts" this little bloggywog and for all her coyness she rather liked the limelight; liked to show off now and then. You know the type. 
This little bloggywog lived on the pictures, words and pretties that the girl fed her. The two lived together happily for many months before, bit by bit, the little bloggywog saw less and less of her mistress. She wasted away as her mistress continued to forget to feed her. She pined for the times they used to spend together, she became quieter and quieter. When others prodded her, she refused to dance for them as she once had; she was starved and lonely. 
The bloggywog knew her mistress loved her, really, but she could not live on all the apologies her mistress kept tossing her as she ran about her seemingly busy life.Until one day the girl turned to her little bloggywog and said "Come on little one, I'm going on holiday and you're going to come with me." The little bloggywog was so happy, her mistress was going to take her on a holiday. They would get to spend so much time together, ooh, how lovely! The little bloggywog did a bloggywobbly dance of happiness. 
And so the girl and her now very happy bloggywog got on a plane and flew to the otherside of the world. The girl hugged her little bloggywog and said "I'm sorry dear B.W. I promise I won't forget to feed you again. Here, would you like some cake?"

Sunday, May 15

Fair Island of the Fey

Here I am, back on my beloved Island once more. It is so novel to be here at this time of year, Spring. Everything is so lush and green, but then we are quite near that slightly better known Emerald Isle! In ages past the Irish held the Isle of Man to be a place of significant mystical importance. They knew what I know, that the Little People love this place.