I get a couple of day's rest at the farm and what do I do? Spend most of it on the computer! I kind of like it though, it's catch up time. I've been filing away photos and things to tell you for weeks, mainly because I was too exhausted to actually sit down and do it. Thanks to the Never- Ending Cold. Seriously, I've had this baby for over 5 weeks now; grrr. All I can say is I'm getting pretty good at swigging these naturopathic herbs.
In between that, things have been slowly getting busier and busier. We're gearing up for Summer over at the Cecilia Fox studio. Which means my period of being voluntarily, predominately unemployed has come to an end. Exciting! The whole idea of taking time out was to try and improve my health (ha!) and to be able to work on some of the things I value; read yoga, art, weaving, making pretty things, spending time with friends and loved ones etc. The reality is, I hardly got any more of these things done than before and though I was a lot more relaxed; I realised that I love what I do and I love doing it.
So let's see how long I can maintain my zen while working pretty much full time ...
Gifts such as these absolutely stunning lemon ranunculi from Mel definitely enhance the Zen. I've been staring at them for about 10 days now and I never tire of their beauty.
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