Tuesday, January 17

Summer trekking

This year I took a real summer holiday, you know, the kind that everybody else has. Took 3 weeks off work, had a nicely relaxed Christmas with family and then hit the road. It was a simple affair and all the better for it! Just me, the man and the 4WD packed with all that we needed for two weeks of camping. The vague plan was to head north, slowly. So we did, travelling through the Victorian High Country, then down to the coast. We crossed over to NSW but after a few days in the bun fight that is the coast just after Christmas, we gave up on the beach and headed inland again. Then we made our way through the Kosciusko National Park before heading home again. We swam everyday except the last; either in sea or river and came back looking like a pair of bush babies! It was absolutely divine.

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