Thursday, July 21

The beauty of synchronicity

 The most fantastic web of wonderful imagery was created for me while I was overseas. I'm trying to keep it going now that I am home but really, all I have left is memories and photos; inspiration wanes already! 
The unifying factor was this most divine book, entitled "The Children's Book". I think it totally appropriate - in this instance - to judge a book by it's cover. The cover illustration is mesmerizing and the tale even more so. Set in England during the Edwardian era, the tale evokes the spirit of the Arts and Crafts movement and of Ruskinian ideals. There are sumptuous descriptions of artworks and clothing. There is insight into the very first days of the Victoria and Albert Museum and a detailed illustration of the Parisian Exposition Universelle. There are fairytales and theatrics; really, what more could one ask of a book? 
With this web of imagery and tales already installed in my little mind, I travelled. Everything I saw, matching up like pieces of a fantastical puzzle. I journeyed through picturesque Cornwall, took long train rides, went to the V&A, saw "The Cult of Beauty" exhibition, went to Paris, visited the Musee des Arts Decoratifs, saw Le Petit Palais and Le Grand Palais, which were built for L'Exposition Universelle mentioned above. Everything twined together like Morris' very own "Honeysuckle". 
Makes me want to be a textile designer, again!

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