Thursday, July 21


Thinking, I do lots of it. I'm sure you do too. 
I've been thinking lately; how much is too much thinking? There are different types of thinking; how many can you think of, etc. etc. 
Actually, I have been pondering, that is thinking, without being particularly attached to those thoughts. Mostly I ponder possibilities: what if ..? and maybe one day ..? or what about if tomorrow I ...?  etc. etc.
In my current state of in-between-ness, I have plenty of time for such musings. And I am starting to get that exciting, tingling feeling that soon the pondering will be over and things are actually going to start happening ...
In the meantime, I'm just being, trying to ponder rather than think. I'm visiting friends and playing with paint, just because I can. I start writing things but don't finish them because I'm not in that spot right now. I'm taking in information and letting it slowly catalogue itself. 
A dear friend of mine sent me this program to the 2011 Stroud Textile Festival's "Textile Trail" and I have been drooling with jealousy over the images of hand-weavers set  up in their cute little Costwald studios; weaving away. 
Patience, Lindsey, patience ... hmmm, ponder ...

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